Pathotyping and virotyping
The initial determination of the presence of pathogenic E. coli in a sample is based primarily on the detection of appropriate virulence factors by the PCR technique. Appropriate samples may be intestinal samples or fecal swabs from animals with diarrhea, extraintestinal tissues from animals with septicemia or localized infections, water, soil, effluent, sludge, or organic wastes, from the environment, or contaminated foods. These samples are tested directly following an overnight enrichment. E. coli cultures may also be submitted for testing and pathotype identification. In samples from sick animals, we will test for the appropriate virulence factors to enable us to identify the pathotypes most commonly associated with the animal species and disease symptoms (see Tables in sections Pathogenic E. coli - Diseases and Virulence factors and serogroups). For environmental samples, if the source of the potential contamination is known, we can test for the virulence factors associated with the suspected animal species. If the source of the potential contamination is not known, or if you wish to eliminate the possibility of pathogenic E. coli contamination, we can test for a larger number of virulence factors, representing all of the known pathogenic E. coli. Please contact us for further information.
Suggested virulence factors to test and prices for pathotyping
Animal species
Disease syndrome
Virulence factor
Price (CAN $)*
1st sample
Each add. sample
STa, STb, LT, Eae, Stx1(VT1) and Stx2(VT2)
40 $
35 $
Extraintestinal samples
STa, STb, LT, Eae, Stx1(VT1), Stx2(VT2), CNF, P fimbriae, Aerobactin and Tsh (Tsh for avian samples)
60 $
55 $
STa, STb, LT, Eae and F4(K88)
35 $
30 $
Edema disease
Stx2e(VT2e), F18
15 $
13 $
Diarrhea or hemorrhagic dysentery
STa, Eae, Stx1(VT1) and Stx2(VT2)
35 $
30 $
Colisepticemia or cellulitis
Aerobactin, P fimbriae and Tsh
30 $
25 $
Dog and cat
STa, Eae, CNF and P fimbriae
35 $
30 $
Urinary tract disease
CNF, P fimbriae and Aerobactin
30 $
25 $
10 $
8 $
STa, LT, Eae, Stx1(VT1) and Stx2(VT2)
40 $
35 $
Urinary tract disease and septicemia
CNF, P fimbriae, Aerobactin and Hemolysin
35 $
30 $
Additional fimbrial adhsins or other factors
8 $
6 $
* Prices subject to change
Turn-around time is 1-3 working days.
If you are submitting isolates from a country other than Canada, you will require a permit for entry of the isolate(s) into Canada. The application for this permit will be made by the EcL, based on the information obtained from you, and is usually received within a week of the application, at a cost of 35 CAN $* for a single entry or 60 CAN $* for multiple entries for one year, in both cases, irrespective of the number of isolates. The cost for obtaining this permit will be charged to the client. Please contact our technical service for more information.
A brief history (clinical signs, animal species, age, sex, origin of the sample) would help us in the choice of virulence factors to test, interpretation of the results, and for epidemiological purposes.
Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information or to discuss the possibility of special pricing if you wish to test a larger number of samples or virulence factors in herd problems, in vaccine control tests, etc.
* Prices subject to change
If an E. coli strain or isolate is submitted to the EcL, or we isolate individual colonies from a sample that has been submitted to us, we can test the strain or isolate for different virulence factors, and thus determine its virotype. We may test for the appropriate virulence factors by PCR or colony hybridization, depending on the number of virulence factors and isolates and, in certain cases, on the specific test required. The standard reference test is the PCR, which will be used for the definitive virotyping of strains. However, when a large number of virulence factors and isolates are to be tested, it may be more economical and hence less costly to use colony hybridization. This option would be more attractive for larger epidemiological surveillance studies.
For PCR, the price will depend on whether Multiplex or simple PCR is used for the particular factor:
7 $* per virulence factor for the first sample
5 $* per virulence factor for additional sample
1-3 working days
* Prices subject to change (CAN $)
Choice of virulence factors to be tested
In routine diagnostic testing, we use colony hybridization and test for the following 20 virulence factors, at a price of 60 CAN $* per sample:
LT, STa, STb, Stx1(VT1), Stx2(VT2), CNF, EAST1, Aerobactin, Tsh
F4(K88), F5(K99), F6(987P), F41, P, AFA, F17, F18ab/ac(F107), Eae, Paa, AIDA
* Price subject to change
This will enable us to identify the virotypes most commonly associated with the most common animal species and disease symptoms (see Tables in sections Pathogenic E. coli - Diseases and Virulence factors and serogroups). For isolates from contaminated environmental or other samples, if the source of the potential contamination is known, we can test for the virulence factors associated with the suspected animal species. If the source of the potential contamination is not known, or if you wish to eliminate the possibility of pathogenic E. coli contamination, we can test for a larger number of virulence factors, representing all of the known pathogenic E. coli.
The following is a table showing pathotypes and associated virulence factors which would encompass most of the known pathogenic E. coli.
We recommend testing for the virulence factors listed in this table for complete virotyping or virulence factor analysis. Please contact us for further information.
Virulence factors commonly associated with the various
pathotypes of E coli
Category of pathogenic E. coli
Virulence factor
cell-detaching E. coli
Cytolethal distending toxins: CDT3, CDT4
Cytotoxic necrotizing factors: CNF1, CNF2
diffuse adherence E. coli
Adhesins involved in diffuse adherence:
AIDA, daaE
enterotoxigenic E. coli
Adhesion factors shared by human ETEC:
Adhesion factors shared by porcine and bovine:
F4(K88), F5(K99), F18, F41
heat-labile toxin (LT), human heat-stable toxin (STaH), porcine heat-stable toxin (STaP), heat-stable toxin type II (STb)
enteropathogenic E. coli
Attaching and effacing factor: Eae
enterohemorragic E. coli
Shiga-toxins: Stx1, Stx2, VT2vpl, VT2vh
Flagellar antigen: FliC
enteroaggregative E. coli
Adhesion factors: aggR, AAF/1
Toxine: EAST1
enterohemorragic E. coli
enteropathogenic E. coli
Attaching and effacing gene: Paa
enterohemorragic E.coli
uropathogenic E. coli
Hemolysins: HlyA, HlyC, Ehx
septicemic E. coli
meningitis associated E. coli
uropathogenic E. coli
Aerobactin: iuc
septicemic E. coli
uropathogenic E. coli
Adhesion factors: PapC, PapG
uropathogenic E. coli
Adhesion factors: AFA, SFA, Type 1(FimA)
extraintestinal E. coli
Adhesion factor: CS31a
Autotransporter: Tsh
Subtyping of certain fimbrial adhesins can also be done by PCR. For example, for F4(K88), we can identify the subtypes ab, ac, and ad. For P fimbriae, we can identify the subtypes F7 to F16, and F165. Please contact us for more information.
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